Working in sector, or for development goals
#sdg01IN - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
#sdg02IN - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
#sdg03IN - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
#sdg08IN - Promote sustained, inclusive & sustainable economic growth, full & productive employment & decent work for all
#sdg11IN - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
#IN88A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing
#cofog0421IN - Agriculture (CS)
#isic7830IN - Other human resources provision
#IN88K - Financial and insurance activities
#isic6512IN - Non-life insurance
#isic6511IN - Life insurance
#isic6399IN - Other information service activities n.e.c.
The Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) was established by the Government of Andhra Pradesh (GOAP) as a sensitive support structure to facilitate poverty reduction through social mobilization and improvement of Livelihoods of rural poor in Andhra Pradesh. SERP is implementing Indira Kranthi Patham (IKP) in all the 1098 rural Mandals of 22 rural districts in A.P. The vision of SERP is to enable every poor family in rural Andhra Pradesh to come out of poverty and stay out of poverty. SERP works on a comprehensive multi dimensional poverty alleviation strategy by focusing equally on the Livelihoods Value Chain and Human Development Indicators. The fundamental unit of development at SERP is the rural poor households and all interventions of SERP strive to achieve essentially two out comes - sustainable per capita household incomes of Rs.1,00,000/- per annum from multiple sources and improved Human Development Indicators.
With this in mind, SERP has relentlessly worked on a unique structure of community based organization by organizing 1.14 crore rural women into 10.27 lakh SHGs, 38646 Village Organizations, 1098 Mandal Samakhyas and 22 Zilla Samakhyas. SHG membership in Andhra Pradesh is the largest in the country with around 30% of total SHG members in the country. SERP has established a unique institutional structure for the Community Based Organizations in the World. This CBOs structure in A.P. has facilitated cumulative bank loans of Rs.34,889.41 crores of commercial bank loans to SHG members, Collective Marketing to the tune of Rs.3925 crores resulting in a benefit of Rs.75/- to Rs.100/- per quintal to the farmers, pesticide free cultivation in 23.0 lakh acres in 2010-11 alone resulting in a saving of Rs.3000/- to Rs.15,000/- per acre to the farmers, etc. This unique model has been adopted by Ajeevika (National Rural Livelihoods Mission) at the National level in India.
Reference in Actor Atlas or other links
Actor Atlas: Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty