Working in sector, or for development goals
#isic2211IN - Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres
#isic2219IN - Manufacture of other rubber products
#isic2013IN - Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms
#cofog0442IN - Manufacturing (CS)
RSDC has been constituted under the aegis of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), in collaboration with All India Rubber Industries Association (AIRIA) and Automotive Tyre Manufacturers Association (ATMA), with the aim to identify and fulfill skill development needs in the Rubber sector. The RSDC will encourage the industry to employ skilled and certified manpower. It will create a dynamic LMIS to keep track of the labour market skill gaps, frame Occupational Standards, facilitate development of practical and high quality training content, ensure adequate availability of faculty through Train The Trainer initiatives, build accreditation and certification mechanisms and encourage capacity building through private sector participation. In the process, RSDC will indulge in preparing a catalogue of skill sets, range and depth of skills to facilitate individuals to choose from. RSDC has been registered as a Section 25 company.
The purpose of RSDC is to ensure the generation of skilled manpower in both the tyre and the non-tyre sectors, provide employment opportunities to youth across the nation, create career paths in roles existing within the unorganized and organized segments of the rubber industry and ensure active participation of the industry in absorption of skilled manpower generated through RSDC.
Website :
Reference in Actor Atlas or other links
__Actor Atlas: Rubber Skill Development Council