Working in sector, or for development goals
#sdg01IN - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
#sdg05IN - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
#sdg08IN - Promote sustained, inclusive & sustainable economic growth, full & productive employment & decent work for all
#sdg10IN - Reduce inequality within and among countries
Kudumbashree was conceived as a joint programme of the Government of Kerala and Nabard implemented through Community Development Societies (CDSs) of Poor Women, serving as the community wing of Local Governments.
Kudumbashree is formally registered as the "State Poverty Eradication Mission" (SPEM), a society registered under the Travancore Kochi Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Act 1955. It has a governing body chaired by the State Minister of LSG. There is a state mission with a field officer in each district. This official structure supports and facilitates the activities of the community network across the state.
Kudumbashree differs from conventional programmes in that it perceives poverty not just as the deprivation of money, but also as the deprivation of basic rights. The poor need to find a collective voice to help claim these rights.
Reference in Actor Atlas or other links
Actor Atlas: Kudumbashree