Working in sector, or for development goals
#isic2640IN - Manufacture of consumer electronics
#isic2610IN - Manufacture of electronic components and boards
#isic2732IN - Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables
#cofog0442IN - Manufacturing (CS)
The Council will serve as an apex accreditation & quality improvement body for training institutions in the electronics sector. Based on the National Occupational Standards, ESSCI would develop the assessment & accreditation tools and manuals. In order to facilitate accreditation & certification of the Institutes, it would launch a vibrant accreditation & certification programme.
The Council would also make the necessary changes in the curriculum of the various courses that are targeted for the electronics industry as per the demand of the industry. This change in curriculum would apply to IIT's, engineering colleges, technical institutes and polytechnics.
ESSCI has been mandated by NSDC to prepare the National Occupational Standards & Qualification Packs for various job roles in the Electronics Sector. The Council is in the process of conducting the functional and occupational mapping, standardizing the nomenclature for various job roles determining the future demand & developing the National Occupational Standards & Qualification Packs.
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