Source: Census of India (2022) Language Atlas of India 2011. url

Each language page includes some key information about the language, and the related pages from the Language Atlas of India 2011

Delivering on the promise of #LeavingNoOneBehind to a person becomes harder when that person's mother tongue has fewer native speakers. Yet only when we recognize these barriers (constraints), we can develop the digital skills, attitudes and platforms to overcome them cooperatively: Global Digital Cooperation - #digicoop5a.

The table below lists the languages with the number of native speakers, from the languages with most native speakers, to those with the least3.

Language Native speakers (2011)
Bengali 97,237,669
Gujarati 55,492,554
Hindi 528,347,193
Kannada 43,706,512
Malayalam 34,838,819
Marathi 83,026,680
Odia 37,521,324
Punjabi 33,124,726
Tamil 69,026,881
Telugu 81,127,740
Urdu 50,772,631

For languages of the world, check: Language (Ens wiki).

Context for languages: Natural Order and Social Order.

The availability of educational reading materials in a language, and the provision of these materials via #isic9101 - Library and archives activities is essential for pupils to achieve a sufficient literacy.