In accordance with Census 2011 there are 20,028 Jatapu speakers in India covering 0,002 % of the country's total population and there are 155,548 Khond/Kondh speakers in India covering 0,27 % of the country's total population.

Jatapu speakers are concentrated in:

Khond/Kondh speakers are distributed in:

Jatapu speakers is recorded in:

Among the districts in Odisha, significant proportion of Khond/Kondh speakers is noticed in:

Apart from these two states, Jatapu speakers are also found in Karbi Anglong - कार्बी आंग्लंग, Bangalore - बेंगलूरू and Kishanganj - किशनगंज.

Outside Odisha and Andhra Pradesh, significant number of Khond/Kondh speakers is recorded in West Bengal in Dakshin Dinajpur - दक्षिण दिनाजपुर (356) in Kerala in Idukki - इटुक्की (190) and Kasaragod - कासर्गोट्h (141), in Assam in Udalguri - उदालगुड़ी (149) and in Karnataka in Kodagu - कोडगु (107).

Source: Census of India (2022) Language Atlas of India 2011. url

Chapter with map "Distribution of Jatapu/Khond/Kondh speakers 2011":


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