The INlgu code uses the coding pattern devised in the recommendation of the Census of India - Metadata and Data Standard (MDDS) Committee. Its full details are in the Census of India document: Census 2011 - Location Code Directory.

This is the coding convention of the MDDS Committee:

  • A State code of 2 digits within India
  • A District code of 3 digits continuous code within India
  • A Sub-district code of 5 digits continuous code within India
  • A Village code of 6 digits continuous code within India in which the range of 000001 – 799999 is for Villages and the range 800001 - 899999 is for statutory towns.

For instance Dilawarpur Tehsil has sub-district code 04343, it is part of District Adilabad with code 532, in Andhra Pradesh with State code 28.

The proposed #INlgu tags are as follows:

Level of the lgu Name of the lgu #INlgu #tag
State Andhra Pradesh #IN28
District Adilabad #IN532
Tehsil (Sub district) Dilawarpur #IN04343
Town or Village Anjani #IN570304

All 657.009 Census of India codes are listed in codes.txt (large file, 21MB; look up via "Find in page" of your browser).

Alphabetic lists per level of local government unit (LGU) are provided here:

For local government unit (lgu) #tagcoding hashtags in other countries check lgu codes ( (#WWlgu).

Look up …

Andhra Pradesh #IN28
Arunachal Pradesh #IN12
Assam #IN18
Bihar #IN10
Chhattisgarh #IN22
Goa #IN30
Gujarat #IN24
Haryana #IN06
Himachal Pradesh #IN02
Jammu and Kashmir #IN01
Jharkhand #IN20
Karnataka #IN29
Kerala #IN32
Madhya Pradesh #IN23
Maharashtra #IN27
Manipur #IN14
Meghalaya #IN17
Mizoram #IN15
Nagaland #IN13
Odisha #IN21
Punjab #IN03
Rajasthan #IN08
Sikkim #IN11
Tamil Nadu #IN33
Tripura #IN16
Uttarakhand #IN05
Uttar Pradesh #IN09
West Bengal #IN19
Andaman and Nicobar Islands #IN35
Chandigarh #IN04
Dadra and Nagar Haveli #IN26
Daman and Diu #IN25
Delhi #IN07
Lakshadweep #IN31
Puducherry #IN34
Telangana #IN36
Ladakh #IN37